Where did the “Snapshot Tool” in new Adobe Reader go? Is there a way to revert to the previous Acrobat Reader?

Where did the "Snapshot Tool" in the new Adobe Reader go? Also, How to revert to the previous version of Acrobat Reader
Computer support
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The free distribution app for reading PDFs, “Adobe Acrobat Reader,” recently underwent a major overhaul.

The interface now looks like this.

New Adobe Reader view

Overall, it resembles the interface of browser extensions that used to run in web browsers. The version I am testing right now is 2023.003.20284 64-bit.

Adobe acrobat reader version information
2023.003.20284 64-bit

The menu layout has changed significantly.

The Snapshot Tool seems to be missing

Especially the “Snapshot Tool” was quite difficult to find, and at first, I had no idea where it was.

Huh… the Snapshot Tool is gone… I started to wonder if I can’t take snapshots anymore and got worried.

The Snapshot Tool went missing during the previous redesign as well.

In the previous version, it also disappeared once, and I had to search for it. In the previous version, it used to be located here.

In the previous Acrobat Reader version, you can find the Snapshot tool under "Edit" > "more" > "Take a Snapshot."

This time, I also couldn’t figure out where it went. After searching desperately, I finally found it, so I plan to write an article about it.

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Here is the Snapshot Tool in the new Adobe Reader:

It was located here.

The location of the Snapshot Tool in the new Acrobat Reader is as follows: Menu -> Edit -> Undo, Redo, and More -> Snapshot

I also had a bit of confusion finding the Hand Tool.

I also had to search for the “Hand Tool” at first.

It was located here. The name “Hand” seems to have disappeared, and it’s now called “Pan.”

The location of the Hand Tool: Click the hand icon on the Quick Tools toolbar and select "Pan." Alternatively, right-click on the PDF and select "Pan."
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The previous version of Acrobat Reader was able to be reverted to!!

Upon closer inspection, I found an option here to “Disable new Acrobat Reader.”

In the new Acrobat Reader, you can disable it by going to the menu in the top-right corner and selecting "Disable the new Acrobat Reader."

When you select that option, it will prompt a restart of Acrobat Reader, and you will revert to the previous version of Acrobat Reader as it was before this change.

Restart Acrobat Reader
To disable the new Acrobat Reader experience, restart the app
cancel restart
In the previous Acrobat Reader version, you can find the Snapshot tool under "Edit" > "More" > "Take a Snapshot."

It’s good to know that the Snapshot Tool is back in its original location.

If you ever want to switch back to the “New Acrobat Reader” again, you can do so from here.

Under "View," you can enable the "Enable New Acrobat Reader" if you wish to switch back to it.

I see, it appears that the option to enable the “New Acrobat Reader” disappears from the “View” tab once you’ve reverted to the previous version. It seems that these new features are currently being rolled out as a test, and once you’ve switched back to the previous version, you might not be able to go back to the new version for a while. Thank you for sharing this information.

In the previous version, you could pin the Snapshot Tool to the toolbar for easy access.

It’s worth noting that in the previous version, it’s convenient to pin the Snapshot Tool to the toolbar using the following steps.

In the previous version of Acrobat Reader, you can follow these steps to add the Snapshot Tool to the toolbar:

1. Right-click on the toolbar.
2. Choose "Show Edit Toolbar."
3. Check the box next to "Snapshot."
4. A camera-shaped Snapshot Tool button will appear on the toolbar.
Information from PC Classes and Curio Station Shiki




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