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School Diary

COVID-19 measures inside the classroom. We are implementing a combination of measures to prevent “airborne transmission.

I have summarized the overview of the "airborne infection prevention measures" implemented at our school. When there is a person infected with COVID-19 indoors, respiratory droplets containing the virus can accumulate in the air even through breathing. We are committed to creating a safe teaching environment through efficient ventilation and the use of air purifiers to remove the virus.
Computer support

Where did the “Snapshot Tool” in new Adobe Reader go? Is there a way to revert to the previous Acrobat Reader?

Adobe Reader underwent a major redesign, and I once again couldn't locate the Snapshot Tool. After some searching, I found it and decided to write an article about it. There was also a method to revert to the previous design.

How to easily create an article in another language in “Polylang” by duplicating the original article

When creating an article in another language on a Wordpress site made multilingual using Polylang, I was able to link the duplicated article later instead of using the "+" button of the original article, so I wrote an article on how to do this.

Preparing English articles

We are currently preparing an article in English. An English version of a fixed page charting COVID-19 infection and hos...